Student Supper

April 4, 2011 § Leave a comment

Thrifty dinner: baked rigatoni with chorizo, button mushrooms and grana padano (aka the poor man’s parmigiano reggiano). Lots leftover for today’s lunch.

Favorite place to buy any and all sorts of cured meat/meat paté/meat in casing: Oyama Sausage Co.

The money shot.

Hearty dinner deserves an equally hearty wine. One of my favorites.

The SO was reading about Stump Jump/d’Arenberg wines: “Made exclusively from vines that have been affected by the fungal disease Eutypa dieback, the wine is amazingly concentrated and powerful.  Eutypa dieback, or “Dead Arm”, is an infection that suddenly kills grapevine shoots or limbs.  While most vineyards would rip out these vines, which produce a pittance of fruit, D’Arenberg hand-harvests the grapes from the diseased vines. The grape clusters, though small in number, are enormously flavorful, as the vine has been concentrating all of it’s remaining energy into the few clusters on it’s surviving shoots”. Fascinating!

Perfect TV dinner.

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